Rhizophora apiculata

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Taxon Value
Regnum (Kingdom) Plantae
Division Magnoliophyta
Class Magnoliopsida
Order Malpighiales
Family Rhizophoraceae
Genus Rhizophora
Source of data '

Other closely related species

SpeciesDivisionCommon nameCommon Hindi name
Aloe veraAloe vera, Medicinal aloe, Burn plantGheekumari घीकुमारी
Acacia niloticaArabic Gum, Black Piquant, Egyptian thorn, Prickly acaciaबबूल Babool,कीकर Kikar
Saraca indicaAshokaअशोक Ashok
… further results
DivisionTaxon detailsTaxon morphology details
MagnoliophytaAlso called Angiospermae. The ancestors of flowering plants diverged from gymnosperms around 245–202 million years ago, and the first flowering plants known to exist are from 140 million years ago. They diversified enormously during the Lower Cretaceous and became widespread around 100 million years ago, but replaced conifers as the dominant trees only around 60-100 million years ago.These are seed plants like Gymnosperms, but can be differentiated by the presence of flowers, seeds containing endosperm and seeds that produce a fruit. Angiosperms are the most diverse and highly evolutionarily successful group of land plants.
SpeciesClassCommon nameCommon Hindi name
Acacia niloticaMagnoliopsidaArabic Gum, Black Piquant, Egyptian thorn, Prickly acaciaबबूल Babool,कीकर Kikar
Saraca indicaMagnoliopsidaAshokaअशोक Ashok
Adansonia digitataMagnoliopsidaBaobabGorakh imli गोरख इमली
… further results
SpeciesOrderCommon nameCommon Hindi name
Garcinia cambogiaMalpighialesGamboge tree
Phyllanthus emblicaMalpighialesIndian Gooseberry, Amlaआमला Amla

General morphology

Parameter Value(s) References
See complete references in the References section at the end
General morphological features of the plant Encyclopedia of Life
Number of cotyledons

Enter the number of cotyledons using the "Edit with form" button to get interesting results here

Seed dispersal mechanism
Bloom type http://www.eol.org/pages/482361
Life cycle of the plant

How to identify this species

For a detailed description, refer to the General Morphology details above

Parameter Value(s) References
See complete references in the References section at the end
Type of plant
Plant height
Flower color http://www.eol.org/pages/482361
Flower shape
Phyllotaxy of leaves
Leaf shape
Is the leaf petiolated or sessile?
Is the leaf simple or compound?

Parameter Value(s) References
See complete references in the References section at the end
Indian States in which the species has been documented
Locations at which the species has been documented
Biotic zones inhabited
Details about the habitat
Is this species native to India? Yes http://www.eol.org/pages/482361
Is the species indigenous/endemic to Sub-Himalayan regions?
Is the species indigenous/endemic to Western Ghats?
Is the species indigenous/endemic to Eastern Ghats?

More plants native to India

Species nameCommon nameCommon Hindi namePlant typeNative plantBiotic zone
Abelmoschus moschatusOkra, Abelmosk, Ambrette seeds, Annual hibiscus, Bamia Moschata, Galu Gasturi, Muskdana, Musk mallow, Musk okra, Musk seeds, Ornamental okra, Rose mallow seeds, Tropical jewel hibiscus, Yorka okraमुश्कदाना Mushkdana, कस्तूरीदाना Kasturi-dana, जंगली भिंडी Jangli bhindi
Acacia concinnaSoap podशिकाकाई ShikakaiWoody (Tree/Shrub)Northeastern Himalayas
Eastern Ghats
Western Ghats
Central Deccan Plateau
East Coast
West Coast
Indo-Gangetic Plain
Acrostichum aureumGolden leatherfern, Mangrove fernFernNortheastern Himalayas
Eastern Ghats
East Coast
Indo-Gangetic Plain
Outlying Islands
Aegle marmelosBel, Beli fruit, Bengal quince, Stone apple, Wood appleबेल Bel
Allium sativumCultivated Garlicलेह्सन Lehsan
… further results

Does this species have any medicinal use? No
Ailments for which the species is used
Medicinal systems which use this plant
Details of Medicinal use
Does this species have any religious significance? No User-reported
Religions which mention/give significance to this species
Religious occasions (e.g. Diwali, Ramzan Id, Onam, Pongal etc.)
Details of religious use (Describe in as many words as you want)
Does this species have a non-food, non-medicinal application? No User-reported
Commercial applications (e.g. Livestock food, Food, Medicine, Fertilizer etc.)
Details of Commercial use (Describe in as many words as you want)

Pubmed Word cloud

Enter the species name in the search box below to get the current status of biomedical knowledge about this species

This word cloud is obtained using the tool LigerCat by searching the Pubmed database. LigerCat builds the cloud from the most relevant Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms. Each term's relative size indicates how many times it appears in the PubMed search results. Click on a term to access the full LigerCat cloud, with live PubMed search capabilities. LigerCat has been developed for the Biology of Aging Project.

Parameter Value(s) References
See complete references in the References section at the end
Does this species have any kind of associated modern scientific data?
Types of modern scientific data present for this species
Details of modern scientific knowledge available for this species
Are herbarium specimen available for this species?
Institutes having herbarium samples


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