Urginea indica Medicinal active compound

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  • Other constituents found in squill include flavonoids
  • and scilliroside. Dried bulbs were found tand scilliroside. Dried bulbs were found to contain scilliroside (approximately 45 ppm) and scillaren A (approximately 38 ppm) proscillaridin A and Scillaren B. Many novel cardiac glycosides recently have been isolated and identified from squill. Indian squill also contains proscillaridin A and scillaren A as major glycosidesidin A and scillaren A as major glycosides
  • glucoscillaren A
  • scillaren A and proscillaridin A
  • scillaridin A
  • the Bulb of Squill contains steroidal cardioactive glycosides
  • the fructan sinistrin 14 and related carbohydrates andantifungal glycoproteins.


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