Property:Medicinal use description

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Pages using the property "Medicinal use description"

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Acacia concinna +The saponins produced from the fruit have a mildly low pH and detergent action, which gives them antibacterial cleansing properties. Decoction of the leaves acts as a purgative and is used to relieve malaria. An ointment prepared from ground pods is used as a skin cream.  +
Acrostichum aureum +The methanolic extract of this plant has been shown to have selective toxicity against different cancerous cell lines and low toxicity to mouse fibroblasts. This cytotoxic activity on cancerous cells has been reported for HeLa cells too. In folk medicine, rhizomes are pounded into a paste and applied on wounds. Leaves are used to stop bleeding.  +
Adansonia digitata +This plant is mostly used in African countries as a folk medicine. Not in India.  +
Alpinia allughas +The plant is used in Chinese folk medicine  +
Alpinia calcarata +''Alpinia calcarata'' is used atleast in Sri Lanka as a folk medicine for pain relief. Some studies from University of Colombo have tried to study the effect of ethanolic extracts and hot water extracts on reproductive competence and pain relief in rats.  +


Barleria prionitis +Plant extracts known to suppress fungal growth. Mouthwash made from root tissue used for cleaning teeth and relieving tooth ache and bleeding gums. Leaves used to promote healing of wounds, joint pains and toothaches. Extracts used in many herbal skin creams to protect against skin infections. Plant extracts have also been shown to have hepatoprotective and anti-spermatogenic activities. Root extract has been shown to reduce fertility of male rats by 100%  +
Boerhavia diffusa +Charaka Samhita and Sushrita Samhita, describes preprations made form punarnava namely: >punarnavastaka kvath, >punarnava kshar >punarnava taila > roots of this plant is used for the treatment of piles by the inhabitants of the Garhwal Himalaya (Uttaranchal). >A paste made from roots of this plant is for the treatment of bloody dysentery by the Bhils tribals of the Jhabua district in Madhya Pradesh. >The juice made form roots is used in against asthma, scanty urine, and internal inflammation disorders. >Use of this plant has also been reported to cure ailments such as leukorrhea, rheumatism, and stomach ache by the Sahariya tribe in the Lalitpur district of Uttar Pradesh. >Tribes from Ambikapur district (Madhya Pradesh) use it against elephantiasis. In the Indo-Nepal Himalayan terai region, this plant is used by tribals for flushing out the renal system, and to treat seminal weakness and blood pressure.  +
Boswellia serrata +alkaloids from sallaki mixed with sugar and honey is useful in conjunctivitis. For Joint pain a paste of coconut oil and sallaki Powder application is very effective  +


Ceratopteris thalictroides +Leaf powder along with tumeric is applied to unhealed wounds.  +
Cinnamomum tamala +Leaf extracts have been shown to have lipid-reducing and blood-sugar reducing actions. They may also be fungicidal. In mice, Garam Masala has been shown to affect cancer progression and influence macrophage functions.  +
Cocos nucifera +Coconut is commonly used as a traditional remedy in Pakistan to treat bites from rats. Octanoic acid extracted from fruit is active against Candida infections and against other dermatophytes. Coconut water has cooling effect on the body. It is also used for relief from indigestion.  +
Curcuma longa +Although several studies have shown efficacy of using turmeric for many diseases, reliable scientific evidence is lacking for many conditions. The important active component is a polyphenol called Curcumin. It has been shown to have antioxidant, antibiotic, antitumor, antiamyloid, antiischemic and antiinflammatory properties. '''See molecular details more more specific mode of action'''.  +


Elettaria cardamomum +Cardamom is used as an adjuvant to carminative drugs. It is officially recognised in British and US pharmacopoeias and used as an aromatic stimulant, carminative and flavouring agent. It can be used to ease cigarette addiction. Eating a few seeds of cardamom can safely be recommended to initially minimise the number if cigarettes being smoked, and slowly the smoker may give up the chronic addiction to chain smoking  +
Equisetum ramosissimum +This plant has been used in India for several centuries as a medicine against skin wounds. Either the whole plant or the stem is used. Decoction of the whole plant and dried stems are believed to have liver-cleansing and diuretic properties. They are also believed to relieve hypertension, eye swelling and gonorrhea. Among the islanders of the Indian Ocean, the whole plant is also used for diabetes,baldness, bone fracture and pneumonia.  +


Glycyrrhiza glabra +Root is sweet, refrigerant, tonic, aphrodisiac, alexeteric, diuretic; good for eye; improves taste; lessens hiccups, vomiting; heals ulcers, wounds; improves voice; purifies blood; used in leprosy, anemia; abdominal pains, epilesy (Ayurveda). The root relieves thirst, cough, vomiting, asthma, bronchistis, abdominal colic, headache; cures eye troubles, unhealthy humours, ulcers. Leaves are used for scalds of the head, and in foul perspiration of the armpits (Unani).  +


Hibiscus rosa-sinensis +leaves are used as a laxative, while the root is used in cough treatment. The flowers are considered to be aphrodisiac, emollient and emmenagogic and are used in bronchial catarrh, diarrhoea and fertility control; The flowers of H. rosa-sinensis, have been reported in the ancient Indian medicinal literature to have beneficial effects in heart diseases, mainly in ischemic disease ;  +
Hygrophila auriculata +For treating skin diseases, dried leaf powder mixed with castor oil is applied on the affected region twice a day. (Unsupported claim)  +


Justicia procumbens +The plant, collected and dried when in flower, can be used as a substitute for ''Fumaria'' as a laxative, diuretic and skin conditions like eczema (Watt book) Plant extracts are also administered in local medicine as expectorants in asthma, coughs, and rheumatism. In Ophthalmia, leaf juice is squeezed into the eyes of the patient. The odor of the whole plant is unpleasant; it is used in decoction for backache, plethora, and flatulence.  +


Mangifera indica +The twigs and leaves, used to clean the teeth, are said to be beneficial to the gums, while the bark is said to be useful for toothaches. The astringent stomachic bark is also used for internal hemorrhages, bronchitis, and catarrh. The resin is used for cracked feet, ringworm, and other fungi, syphilis, and to induce sweating. Smoke from the burning leaves is believed to cure various throat disorders, from asthma to hiccups. Dried mango flowers, containing 15% tannin, serve as astringents in cases of diarrhea, chronic dysentery, catarrh of the bladder and chronic urethritis resulting from gonorrhea. Green fruits are considered anticholeric (baked and mixed with sugar and taken internally and also rubbed over the body), antidysmenorrheic, antiscorbutic, astringent, and diaphoretic. Roasted green fruits are dissolved in sugar water and taken internally to prevent sunstroke. Ripe fruits are considered diuretic, laxative, and unguent. A gruel made of the seeds is taken internally for bleeding piles. The wood is favored for making shovels. The bark contains mangiferine and is astringent and employed against rheumatism and diphtheria in India. The resinous gum from the trunk is applied on cracks in the skin of the feet and on scabies, and is believed helpful in cases of syphilis. Mango kernel decoction and powder (not tannin-free) are used as vermifuges and as astringents in diarrhea, hemorrhages and bleeding hemorrhoids. The fat is administered in cases of stomatitis. Extracts of unripe fruits and of bark, stems and leaves have shown antibiotic activity. In some of the islands of the Caribbean, the leaf decoction is taken as a remedy for diarrhea, fever, chest complaints, diabetes, hypertension and other ills. A combined decoction of mango and other leaves is taken after childbirth.  +
Marsilea minuta +Plant is used as a folk medicine.  +
Mimusops elengi +The bark, flowers, fruits and seeds are astringent, cooling, anthelmintic, tonic, and febrifuge. It is mainly used in dental ailments like bleeding gums, pyorrhea, dental caries and loose teeth. Extract of flowers used against heart diseases, leucorrhoea, menorrhagia and act as antiduretic in polyuria and antitoxin. The snuff made from the dried and powdered flowers used in a disease called Ahwa in which strong fever, headache and pain in the neck, shoulders and other parts of the body occurs. Ripened fruits facilitates in burning urination. The ripe fruit pounded and mixed with water is given to promote delivery in childbirth. Powder of dried flowers is a brain tonic and useful as a snuff to relieve cephalalgia. Decoration of bark is used to wash the wounds. (Wikipedia) For curing dental disorders, the tender stems or the powdered skin of the bark are used for cleansing the teeth . One combination of powders of its bark skin, roots of Kantakari (''Solanum xanthocarpum''), Saireyaka (''Barleria prionitis'') leaves and skin of an almond fruit is burnt into ash and is used to cleanse the teeth and strengthen them. For treating swollen and bleeding gums, the extract of its bark skin and that of Khadira (''Acacia catechu'') are effective when gargled. The unripe fruit is used as a masticatory and helps to fix loose teeth. The extract also has action on the urinogenital tract - as a diuretic and preventing premature ejaculation.(Herbalremedies)  +


Nelumbo nucifera +Flower- astringent, in diarrhoea, cholera, diseases of liver and heart; filament – in bleeding piles and menorrhagia; rhizome in piles, dysentery, dyspepsia, and skin diseases including ring worm; young leaf in fever; seed used for local application in leprosy and other skin affections; pistil-antidote in snake poisoning, demulcent, antiemetic.Rhizomes are given to Children in diarrhoea and dysentry.  +


Ocimum tenuiflorum +High content of secondary metabolites in leaves makes it suitable for treatment of several conditions. 90% ethanol extract of leaves has been shown to be hepato-protective in rats. Oral administration of this extract lowers blood sugar level in rats. Some of the main constituents of Tulsi are Oleanolic acid, Ursolic acid, Rosmarinic acid, Eugenol, Carvacrol, Linalool, and β-caryophyllene which can have anti-histaminic, anti-pyretic properties. In traditional medicine, aqueous extract of Tulsi leaves is used for common colds and fever . Tulsi powder is also used for treating jaundice and for alleviating blood pressure.  +


Phlogacanthus curviflorus +In Manipur, leaf extract is boiled and used as a tea to cure cough and fever. Flowers can be eaten raw or fried as tonic. In Arunachal Pradesh, pounded flowers are used as condiment.  +
Phyllanthus emblica +Detailed information with studies noted on the Himalaya Healthcare website. Fruit is acrid, sour, bitter-sweetish, cooling, alexiteric, carminative, alterative, laxative, tonic and antipyretic. It is useful in burning sensation, vomiting, biliousness, urinary discharges, thirst, leprosy, constipation, inflammations, erysipelas, piles, anaemia, strangury. It is also used in "Kapha", thirst sweats, anuiria, poisoning, "Tridosha", ophthalmia, incipient blindness. Seed is acrid, sweet, aphrodisiac and antipyretic. Seeds are useful in biliousness, asthma, bronchitis, leucorrhoea, vomiting, "vata". Flowers are cooling, aperient, refrigerent. Fruits are useful to improve apetite, heart diseases, liver complaint, cold in nose, stops nasal haemorrhage, purifies humours of the body. Ripe fruit is an astrigent. It has anticancerous property. Root bark is an astringent. Infusion of leaves with fenugreek seeds applied in chronic dysentery, bitter tonic. (Source:Sasya Sampada)  +
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