Tutorial:Filling in references
What's a Reference Keyword
Most entries on Project Brahma need to referenced. The quality of the database would go down drastically if appropriate references were not made available. However, it is quite cumbersome and unruly to note the complete reference in a form field. For example, if one wants to cite a webpage, you'd need to enter the following:
- Name of the webpage
- URL (Link) to the webpage
- When the page was accessed.
But how can one enter all of this information in a small box next to the question one is answering?
An elegant solution to this is if we just write down the Keyword with which one could identify the reference. So, for a page talking about cultivation of Mango, the quality of its fruit etc., we could just note down the Keyword "Mango cultivation" in the box next to the field citing this reference. Finally, we would just scroll down and fill in the reference template which provides space specifically to note down the references.
((This explanation needs to be made more clearer))